Short Films, Media, & Articles

Short Films

“Oh Bondage, Up Yours” shot while at London Film School. WRITER, DIRECTOR, CO-PRODUCER.
16mm, B & W Silent Film (with Italian Supertitles). A queer revenge tragicomedy. Shot in two days with a crew of 5, and a budget of $150. Filmed in London. 2021
My short film “Nutella” made while at London Film School. WRITER, DIRECTOR, CO-PRODUCER.
Digital. Shot in just three hours with no budget, and a crew of 4. Filmed in London. 2021

Performance Footage

Comedy/Musical Appearance as Pier Valentino at Fear/Love in Brooklyn.

Promos & Interviews

From Visual Artist Liz Magic Laser’s ‘Flight” performed and filmed in Times Square, and shown at the Venice Biennale. 2010-2011.
Art Close Up. Interview for Liz Magic Laser’s ‘Flight’
Promo from the West Coast Premiere of Honey Brown Eyes at Sf Playhouse. 2011.


My Geeky Love for Stanley Love: Article written for The Kitchen–the historic Arts Institution where I worked for many years.

A Gender Queer Homage To Italian Photographer Tina Modotti: Article Written for Pulp Magazine, available on Medium.